Returns and Refunds

Orbata Tech Supplies ( Return Policy

To return a product, please ensure it meets the following eligibility criteria:

  • Purchased from  within the past seven days from the date of delivery
  • Accompanied by proof of purchase
  • Valid return reason and acceptance condition
  • Refund method specified, along with the necessary information (e.g., M-pesa number or bank account number)
  • All promotional items received with the product at the time of purchase must be returned

Please note that:

  • Returns will not be accepted after seven days.
  • Upon receipt of the product, a quality check will be performed. If the quality check is successful, a refund will be issued according to the requested method. If the quality check fails, the product will be returned without a refund.

How to Return a Product:

  1. Call, Text or email to Submit and successfully reach a return a agreement with one of our representative.
  2. A suitable pick up or delivery method will be agreed upon by our team representative  
  3. If you are not available after four scheduled attempts on different days, the return procedure will be canceled, and you will not be able to return your product.

Quality Evaluation and Return Process:

  • The quality check and return process may take up to a maximum of 14 days from the time of the return.
  • Once the return examination is complete, an email notification will be sent to you.